Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's in!

Its an hour till 12am and the start of something new................NOT.

Cause you see , i firmly believe, something new is in every nanosecond that i go on, grinding out, enjoying , eating , laughing , blogging , etc etc etc , my life away.

Yes , i do enjoy life. Its an adventure to me (this is cliched, but really it is!). I have done so many things since leaving home for uni that i have never done EVER before in my life.

I have :

1) Rode downhill at breakneck speed , jumping over rocks and taking tumbles along very haunted mountain bike trails.

2) Made a quantum leap forward from Windows 98 to XP to Vista Business within a year.

3) Smuggled Bought 15 litres of alcohol from Langkawi through Malaysian Customs into Kuala Lumpur.

4) Grown an additonal 10cm within 18 months

5) Covered nearly 200 clicks on a bicycle (including on a Polygon during the Bike Rally and on my Jamis)

6) Eaten 3 jars of Nutella within 2 weeks.

7) Packed more muscle into my 65 kilo body , though its mostly concentrated in the lower body and abdomen. My arms and shoulder still look like Maud Adam's

8) Sat in the cockpit of an A-64H Apache attack helicopter.

I have no regrets for anything i have ever done so far.

No regrets for:

1) The 0.09 dip in my CGPA from 4.19 to 4.10 last semester. Its minor , i have done my best and i know i gave my best for the whole semester and i can jack it up next sem. Besides , i had the opportuinity to work on a truly interesting project which has taught me a lot :P

2) Splurging on lovely black dress shoes , Adidas Predators , a new bicycle , an external hard drive (which saved my files) and just lots of chocolate and desserts and boxes of Swiss Miss hot chocolate.

3) Wasting 3 Academic Units in taking Voice Studies last semester. I still got an A- out of it even with minimal effort.

4) Throwing away a week of lectures after being involved in making this:

its creatively called "The Machine" hehe. A 30 step plus Rube Goldberg machine designed to insert a piece of laminated paper into an envelope and seal it.

the very technical and super fast grand finale , the brainchild of Boon Chong an You Quan, modified to perfection within an hour before judging. Kudos to em!

meet the team

A lot has happened in 2008 , Man Utd won the UEFA Champions League , I beat an IVP (inter varsity player) for NTU on the tennis courts , i screwed up a few things , i had great vacations with my family and close pals from A Lvl college days :

we make excellent shampoo ad models no?

I have seen things of great beauty :


What? I find her quite attractive in Iron Man. Smart, confident , carries herself well , matured in thought, perfect actually.

So, i shall end 2008 with yet another random post :P

Cheers and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! from the,
