Saturday, December 6, 2008

My sis the businesswoman

My sis is onher way to becoming a "towkay".

She knows how to earn moolahs and currently holds a healthy RM700 plus plus in her bank account  (I have no idea how it got to that amount), but its cash i never had in my personal account when i was 14.

But i think i do have a slight idea.....

Now, my sis is scary in the predatory manner she goes about *cough*

I jointly own the entire Harry Potter series with my siblings. To me, those books are a symbol of a long lost era when i was fascinated with the exploits of Voldemort and Harry Potter and Dumbledore.........
...that is until i met Sauron, The One Ring and Aragorn.
now though, i'm on thrillers by Jeffrey Archer and Frederick Forsyth..........but that's beside the point.

The point is, my sis saw opportunity.....and she took our Potter books and started renting em out for 3 bucks a day.......and here's this thing....

To think of it, it does make good business sense. Each Potter book costs 90 bucks to a 120 (the last 3 anyway) and i reckon the entire collection is valued at nearly 400 bucks. So yeah, paying 3 bucks to read a 120 buck novel for a week or so is actually quite worth it.

And then, she started expanding her business to fantasy novels she gets dad to buy her (stuff like A Series of Unfortunate Events and such)

I tell you, the woman will be wealthier than me one day. Perhaps i'd hire her as my financial manager or something.

Cheers from the,
