Saturday, November 29, 2008

Its a secret so don't keep bugging me about it.

I keep secrets well. Even from from my besties.

And when certain secrets are let slip by someone in the know as well , and if you happen to hear it , DO NOT come to me for more of it. It is futile even if your my own mother and openly KNOW there is a secret of some sort and actively try to pry it from me. You'll have to bludger me and drown me in alcohol to extract it.

This semester especially i had to guard to lot of secrects , more of others than my own (probably cause i say whatever i have on my mind or am feeling to my besties...even the deepest ones...that i have none left to call my own).

I'm saying this out cos parties not in the know about certain issues assume i will crack easily cause:

1) They have known me for years
2) They are my besties
3) The emotional game works on me

Sorry mates and girls , the overused "You call yourself my pal and not tell me??" bores me.

I still love you folks , but please understand one thing that i do very very well. If someone trusts me with a secret, then they can safely go to sleep knowing my  mouth will be locked up tighter than Fort Knox about it.

And i expect the same thing in return. Whatever comes out of my mouth is meant for your ears and your ears only. Would appreciate it if you did not go about pouring my personal stuff down the ears of others.