Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ho ho


*at least for the next 6 months*

I ended the exams with a bang though..... sort of. My last paper was Fluid Mechanics , and the paper was the toughest anyone had ever seen in the last 4 years. 

The girl next to me , first zooming through the first question happily was reduced to a hair tearing , table hitting , sobbing wreck within an hour into the paper.

The chap in front of me kept clicking his tongue and making inhuman noises.

Oh well, at least it was not a boring paper. The bell curve should save us all.

BBQ IS TODAY (am blogging at 4.30am singapore time)!!!!! And i am going to cycle for the third time in Singapore....or roller blade depending on who turns up and what the majority wants to do.....

Oh, by the way, i spent the whole night tweaking my comp to run faster and a friend's blog recommended this utility software (freeware) and i in turn totally recommend it!

Jus download it here