Saturday, May 2, 2009


Been youtubing trailers all day long. I seriously want to watch these:

1) Transformers 2 : Revenge of the Fallen

2) Terminator Salvation

3) Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince ...... not been a big fan of the past Potter movies, but this one looks dark.

4) Angels and Demons

5) Inkheart

6) Monsters VS Aliens

7) 9 ....yes, its a movie title. Starting to really enjoy 3D films.

Am really excited about EID. Finally, another project after 4 months.

Am finally back on the bike saddle again. And starting to go long distance again. Physio and my surgeon were very surprised at the recovery process. From bone sticking out of arm and damaged muscle , mutilated skin and nerve damage , to a arm that is already capable of hanging on to a bike , lifting refridgerators and playing Left 4 Dead without a hitch in just 2 months (a 25 yr old takes almost 4 months it seems for such an injury)

It makes me feel like Wolverine. Indestructable. 

I have made a complete U turn and have decided not to sell my bike. I love it and will upgrade it slowly.

This sem was awfully interesting. Did stuff i have nvr done before. very fulfilling. Here's to the coming sem.

PS: I Hope we can still go to Hong Kong in July. Damn swine flu..

Cheers from the,
