Sunday, April 5, 2009


I wonder why people go through so much trouble to not appear to be the "losing side" of an argument , a contest , a debate ...whatever. What is so wrong about admitting fault, or defeat, and moving on, or better, sitting down and plotting out (maybe plotting is not such a good word) a comeback better than before?

Why bother being so "kiasu" and trying to "save face" when all you end up doing is coming out as a fako and as a person so insecure with his/her own self that any form of personal attack on his/her self's competency is something that has to be avoided at all times?

You're not perfect , deal with it, play the game, go with the flow, bend with the wind and cross your fingers and hope for the best.


Well, i'd be surprised if you aren't. 

I see this all the time among my coursemates. Students so caught up with the whole idea that they need to show that they are constantly one step ahead and better than the next person so much to the point that it becomes an obsession.

I should know, i was like that in my school days. An uber competitive 17 year old, trying to max out his grades so that he could prove he was the best. Pointless actually. Thank god i got a hobby and a life when i came to uni.

someone i dont want to talk about (SIDWTA) :  Hey, why did you use so many AND logic gates in that design?

Me : *shrugs* If you know a better way, tell me.

SIDWTA : Actually, not to say that i don't know, but really i think its too many leh. Maybe must ask prof, see what he thinks, dunno if exam come out or not. 

Me : errr, ok, go ahead then.

SIDWTA : I think you must ask, i have a design also, not that i dunno also, but i want to make sure it is ok first before i show him. Use your design and show him, see what he thinks...then can tell me ar? I'll give you my email.

Me : ermm, ok *takes email, and then throws into bin after dude leaves*

These people need common courtesy, more humility, less obsession with exams and most importantly, a LIFE.

See you on the flipside!

Cheers from the,
