Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Idea

Yes, i introduce the very cliched red rose on valentine idea......with a twist for all the romantic wannabes out there wanting to show some love.

Get a cheap pinewood box (i think IKEA should have them) , stain it brown and lacquer it. Line the base with some insulation (cotton or newspaper would do) , pack in dry ice , line the top of the dry ice with more insulation.

Finally, take your cliched red rose and place it on top of the insulation and close the box to let the steam build up.

When you go to meet your love , hand her the smoking wooden box and ask her to open it. IF she trusts you (a smoking box is suspicious) , she will open it and a dry ice steam will pour out in a really cool effect, slowly unveiling the rose hidden by the thick steam.

I think its pretty cool. You can do upgrades to this idea if you have time:

1) Sub the wooden box with a carbon fibre or brushed stainless steel one

2) Sub the insulation with a glass phial

3) fill glass phial with liquid nitrogen

4) design a mechanism which breaks the very brittle glass phial (the nitrogen should have made it even more brittle) when the box is opened.

5) place rose on top of phial

So when she opens it, the glass phial breaks, liquid nitrogen flows out and freezes rose. She takes out rose and it melts in her hand to become fresh again.

Then you go, "I had a cold cold heart, until you came along and melted it"....or whatever cliched line you can come up with.


just get a rose , find a prof with a 50 litre tank filled with liquid nitrogen (i know one) , stick the rose in it, and run with it to her.

*yawns* , righto, valentine's day uncliche-ing is hardly turning the cogs in my brain. Think i'll go and play with my Rubik's cube.

Cheers from the,
