Friday, May 16, 2008

The First Supper Hop

NTU students are sadly deprived of variety in food. True, we do have Jap, Chinese, Indian, Malay, Korean, Vietnamese, Western and Indon food on campus.....but its campus food!!!!!!!

As such its all under one category of which there is no variety......

BAD FOOD......

Thus the reason we rented a bus out of desperation to savour the great stuff offered by.......

.....takes deep breath......


The bus was a 20 seater one, and we arranged with the driver to pick us up from an agreed meeting point at Hall 16. Officially left campus at 9.30pm.

For those not understanding the excitement of all this is ........simply put....

NTU is an island. Its at the extreme secluded end of Singapore, and it takes about 45 mins to get to town....and i'm not even talking about the Orchard Road area (that takes like an hour plus...)

Add the tough semester schedule we have plus the tonnes of tutorials,reading and projects to complete.....not to mention exams as well........we basically live on campus food for 5 whole months straight. Its tongue numbing.

So we being Asians who love good food, a trip of some sort just to get good food, and as much as possible of it was in order, hence the bus rental for convenience.

We hit 3 places and had plans for a fourth which was was closed.

First Stop: Chomp Chomp hawker place

on the rented bus

The bus

cannot resist satay....

Second Stop: Ponggol Nasi Lemak

waiting for makan


Third Stop: Prata House

to make sure we don't run off without paying

Final Stop: Goofing on Mount Faber
( am trying to figure out why its called Mount Faber..its just a hill.....

gollum wannabe

helping the Merlion clean its nose

eating makes one high......literally

Cheers Mates and have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!!