Good vid...all in ONE take!!!!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Eurythmics - Who's That Girl
Ok...this one is just as good as "Here comes the Rain again"
Posted by
The Matrix
8:04 AM
Eurythmics - Here Comes The Rain Again
Eurythmics are most famous for "Sweet Dreams". I rate this as their second best song. Enjoy!
Posted by
The Matrix
7:59 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Got tagged........
Remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
When i'm good and ready. No idea when that will be.
2. If you can turn into anything, what do you wish you can turn into?
A wad of tissue paper. Always wondered what that would be like......
3. How are you feeling now?
Sick. Have a blocked nose.
4. Where is the place that you want to go most?
5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
Live in a room filled with Godiva them...and never grow a spare tire.
6. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
Err.....its physics no?
7. Do you do anything weird?
Pretend to be a rocker in the showers.
8. What cheers you up for the rest of the day?
A nice big box of chocolates. Free of course XD.
9.If you want to go back in time, to which year would you go to?
2005.I loved my final year in high school
10.List out three good things of the person who tagged you.
a)Able to hold secrets
b)Shares secrets
c)Is like a smurf a good way...
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
I don't have an 'other' half.
12.What type of person do you hate the most?
A back stabber.
13.What would you do if you won a million dollars?
Use it for my grad studies. And invest the rest in index funds.Mmmm....might get myself a box of godivas too.......
14.What is your ambition?
To build the world's greatest artificial intelligence fighter jet.....then build a company around it and use the profits to get myself the dream room filled with Godivas.
15.What would you wanna be after you're dead?
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
I like myself. Period.
17.What would you most want to achieve right now?
Get the motivation to study for my materials science quiz tomorrow, instead of blogging.
18.What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Family........and chocolates.
19. If there’s one thing in your life you want to do but yet unable to, what would it be?
Get behind the wheel of a Bugatti Veyron.....filled with chocolates.
20. What do you see yourself as in the next 10 years?
Behind the wheel of THAT Bugatti Veyron ....filled with chocolates
I tag:
1) Choe
2) Bernard
3) Hsien Hooi
4) Suky
5) Tim Weng
6) Kar Wai
7) Nicholas JW
8) Jeremy
Posted by
The Matrix
5:46 AM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
SJICB Drum Battle
My Old school's drum corps.
Saints Regiment Drum Corps
Posted by
The Matrix
7:37 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Another random post, I refuse to let my blog die
1)Bloody exams are a month away..........and they don't let you forget it (profs i mean).
2) My team lost two games in a row in the Malaysian Futsal League, the first one being an ugly one involving the team having no substitutes and being forced to play 4 against 6 for 15 minutes as a friend and I walked off for a while to clear our heads........after getting the ball and an elbow slammed into our spectacled faces.
3) My room is bloody dusty and i saw a praying mantis sleeping on the window sill.
4) I have gone through three 375 gram bottles of fabulously decadent NUTELLA.
5) My roomie and I now go through 4 litres of fresh milk every week, usually mixed with a shit load of cadbury's chocolate or coffee.
6) The tuna in the fridge went bad.
7) I have started running 5 kms every 3 days at 11pm around campus.
8) Am finding out quickly that the bloody Rubik's cube in my room is insolvable without knowing the set number of methods. Gah.
9) Went out with Vee for non-NTU food on Saturday. Am starting to like grilled korean mackerel.
10) My roomie does not sleep for two days in a row at times. The art school really takes it out on you.
11) Am hoping the opposition back home don't screw it up y fighting among themselves in their respective states.
12) Am hoping the September Singaporean Grand Prix is free cos its a street race anyway.
13) Am hoping Rafael Nadal becomes world number 1. Screw Federer.
14) Am wishing i had time to go for Incubus's and Maroon 5's concert. Bloody exams and projects.
15) Wishing Incubus and Maroon 5 come to KL in June when i go home.
16) Lastly, i love the dude who lives in this room on campus:
Posted by
The Matrix
8:37 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard and Sheldon Get Pantsed!
LOLZZZ......I love this show!
Posted by
The Matrix
3:28 PM
The Big Bang Theory - The Slippery Nipple
"Somebody give me a computer with a webcam!!"
Posted by
The Matrix
3:27 PM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Of Double to Triple Rooms and Singaporean Politics
"Due to shortage of construction material and government funds, it is regrettably announced the the original plan of constructing 4 new halls of residences on the NTU campus has to be shelved for 2 years. To ease the shortage of rooms, NTU admin has proposed to convert one third of double sharing rooms on campus to triple sharing. Students are welcome to give their opinions on the proposal and there will be a forum deciding on the matter"
Ok, this was the statement from the office, let me edit this:
"Due to shortage of construction material and government funds, it is regrettably announced the the original plan of constructing 4 new halls of residences on the NTU campus has to be shelved for 2 years. To ease the shortage of rooms, NTU admin has proposed has already decided to convert one third of double sharing rooms on campus to triple sharing. Students are welcome to give their opinions on the proposal and but there will be a no forum deciding on the matter"
"The following part of this narration is in fact fiction. The author is merely basing the entire following discussion and his opinions on a fictional political scene in a fictional country called Singapore, which in no way is related whatsoever to the country called Singapore. The Lee family mentioned in the following section is in fact purely fictional and is not intended to represent any actual family in existance in either the actual country called Singapore nor for that matter, elsewhere in the world at this moment in time, in the future, or in the past."
There, that sounds much more like Singapore.
Ok, i don't really mind if the new roomie is a friend, or even if he's a complete stranger for that matter (i'm friendly :P), and im not really concerned if there is the possibility of lack of space, co si'm used to sharing a room with my bro already back home.
Here's the thing i'm most pissed about. Its the complete lack of decent DEMOCRACY in the entire process. As a matter of fact, the complete lack of DEMOCRACY in Singapore itself. Everything is run according to how the Lee family wants it, even the new political position (a Mentor Minister, who basically runs the government anyway) is accepted without any contest.
The opposition is silent. There is no political arguments, no debates nor even a decent campaign to give us some entertainment, like the one i'm used to back in KL. I mean, if the opposition is being silenced by the fucktard laws which prohibit even simple expression of anti-government sentiments by the OPPOSITION which by international law is a RIGHT, Singapore in my highest opinion is nothing more than an OLIGARCHY.
The Lee Family being that oligarchy, and their supporters.
Change is necessary for the development of a nation. Singapore has an awful lot of shiny buildings, a lovely commuter system and is so much greener than KL. But the people are in fear. Yeah, yeah, a Singaporean reading this might not agree. "Hey mate, i'm not afraid of the Lee family"
But is this really true? I see it in your eyes when i purposely take food onto the commuter train. When i carelessly have an orange on the bus, or openly criticize the Lee family's political policies in public.
Face it. As long as the Singaporeans do not have the balls to stand up to their government, do not have the farsight to see beyond the amenities and the perfect infrastructure provided for, nor sense the noose of the government tightening slowly but surely around the neck of freedom of expression and democracy subtly, this country is doomed to not survive long. I'm not talking about economic well being , cos Singapore has got that down to a pat. I'm talking about the quality of life as a whole. And for me that includes the right to talk and to be a part of the democratic process, to KNOW that i have a say in political proceedings, and not to have the general perceptio of all Singaporeans in general.
"Haihya, what the government says goes"
I get this bullshit a lot. It is clear to see that Singaporeans KNOW the problem, but all they do is simply accept it. No further protest, no opposition. What the Lee family wants, it gets. That my friends is the sad reality of Singapore, and this sickens me. That the people do not care for themselves, nor fight for what they want.
The rot has spread to the campuses.
To wrap up, there was a proposed layout for th triple rooms on display. Here are the pics:
Not bad actually. I don't mind paying half price for this :P. The extra roomie might be fun....assuming he's not a fucktard.
Cheers Mates!!!!
Posted by
The Matrix
1:04 AM