Have to thank Shal for the email with the link to this. Right, will assume that you have watched the vid before reading further. If you haven't, don't waste your time reading, cos you prbably won't understand the issue here.
Done watching?
We have morons in Parliament. No doubt about that. Right, its an accepted thing in society i think, as every nation does have its own share of monkeys.....pardon....politicians, whom waste our money and time bullshitting in an air-conditioned room (the elctricity bills are being paid by us too by the way), not to mention happily reliving their kindergarten years in pin-striped suits and white blouses while we sweat it out cracking out our heads in uni and then entering the rat race out in the working world.
Right, again, its not the racial issue here. Lets be mature and face facts here. Every society has its share of racists and the possibility of these...individuals....being voted into power is still very much high. Racism is a built in instinct in us all. Humans like all mammals have the tendency to segregate into seperate groups with general traits to which the members could relate. Which feature of us is any more distinctive than the colour of our skin?
I frankly have taken up the personal policy of turning a deaf ear to racist remarks made in my prescence...its not worth the energy to comment and make a point. Hell, if you are immature enough to not be able to look beyond external appearences, screw it and continue to live in your sadly narrow minded world mate. But don't you dare go any further than comments, anything physical or a straight and direct verbal asssault , you're a dead dead dude....if you do happen to be a female, prepare to receive the worst dressing down in your life, and i will waste my precious energy to make you feel like crap...without shouting.
Right, the person who started the whole thing was a moron, but lets look beyond that. WHY THE FUCK SHOULD EVERYONE REACT SO EMOTIONALLY? I mean people..you guys are adults, you could just make a point to the chairperson and get on with life. We do have more pressing issues to discuss, and your petty differences? Settle it over beer and lunch for fuck's sake. It fucking strikes me odd this issue. Why the fuck can't adults just talk things over calmly and openly? When they have problems with each other, it goes extreme ways. Silently not acknowledging the issue and avoiding it, or shouting like kids as demonstrated. So, he happens to be a fucked up racist. You god well know society is screwed up like that. Talk about it later and get on with your fucked up job..... which you people happen to suck at too.
We freaking need better roads, we need druggies off our streets, we need a bloody integrated public transport system, and i bloody hell want to feel safe walking the streets at 1 or 2 am like i do regularly here in Singapore. Here, i see cops within the campus and in the most secluded part of the campus at 11pm , the time i like going jogging, and hell, i can run carefree, with metallica blasting in my ears without worrying about getting mugged.
TALK AND SHOUT ABOUT STUFF LIKE THESE. Not your fucked up petty issues. The more you people waste time in that air condidtioned building, the more money we shell out in paying the damn bills keeping you comfortable in the 16 degree cooled room, without getting a rebate for it. IT SUCKS YOU KNOW.